Schedules of Condition


We offer services for many organisation types across a diversity of sectors.

Schedules of Condition are undertaken to record a buildings' condition before a lease or adjacent construction is to take place and often linked with leases and party wall services. The surveys purpose is to record the condition of premises at a specific date and time. Schedules of Condition are also used to defend or limit the repairing liability at lease end when negotiating a dilapidations claim.

The preparation of Schedules of Condition are often linked with other areas of work such as party walls or dilapidations and are used to record the condition of premises at a specific time. Schedules of Condition are also used to limit repairing liability when referred to by a lease. We are able to undertake all types of Schedule of Condition which will be prepared in accordance with specific requirements. In addition, we can provide advice on dilapidation issues where repairing liability is limited by a Schedule of Condition.

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